Jeg er lige udkommet med endnu en e-bog. Denne gang med masser af idéer til hvordan du kan re-designe dine loppefund…hvordan du blander dine loppefund med moderne indretning…og i det hele taget få “gammelt skrammel” til at ligne top lækre design fund…og alt dette til meget få penge. Bliv inspireret og skab et unikt hjem med loppefund. Bogen kan downloades her for kun 49,95 kr. Længere nede vil jeg vise, hvor let du selv kan lave en pottedame fra bogen. Og du kan blive vinder af både e-bog og en af Wiinblads smukke nye vaser, hvis du læser nederst i dette indlæg.
I have just sent another e-book on the market. This one is with lots of ideas on how to re-design your flea market bargains … how you can mix your flea market finds with modern decor … and in general getting “old junk” to look like top design buys … and all this for very little money. Get inspired and create a unique home with flea market finds.
The book can be downloaded here for only 49.95 kr. Further down I will show how easily you can make yourself a pot lady, from my new book. And you can be the lucky winner of both the e-book and one of Wiinblads beautiful new vases, if you look at the bottom of this post.
Jeg har lige været på Arken og se udstillingen med Bjørn Wiinblad’s farverige univers. Og her strålede pottedamerne om kap med gigantiske gobeliner og smuk interior hentet fra “Det blå Hus” som hans hus i Lyngby kaldes. Udstilling løber frem til 16 januar 2016 og er bestemt et besøg værd. Hans univers er meget andet end de sort/hvide platter vi kender fra ethvert dansk loppemarked. Bjørn Wiinblad er en farve eksplosion, og vil helt sikkert overraske de fleste. De viser både hans kostumer, keramik, gobeliner og malerier, så man får indsigt i det helt utrolig kreative menneske der ligger bag. Det siges at han ikke så TV, men kun læste bøger, og al den Østen inspiration skulle også komme fra bøger, og hans egen kunst samling, som man også får glimt af på udstillingen. Hans sans for at skabe eventyrlige universer er helt unik, og det er som at komme i en drømmeverden, af de smukkeste farver, mønstre og former. Så pak bilen og kør en tur forbi Ishøj og lad dig svømme hen i et fantastisk drømmeunivers.
I’ve just been on the museum Arken, and seen the exhibition with Bjorn Wiinblad’s colorful universe. And pot ladies shine in the rooms together with giant tapestries and beautiful interior taken from “The Blue House” as his house in Lyngby is called. The exhibition runs until 16 January 2016 and is definitely worth a visit. His universe is much more than the black / white platter, we know from any Danish flea market. Bjorn Wiinblad is a color explosion, and will surely surprise most. They show both his costumes, ceramics, tapestries and paintings, so as to gain insight into the incredible creative human behind. It is said that he never watched TV, but only read books, and all the East inspiration should also come from books, and his own art collection, which you also get glimpses of at the exhibition. His sense to create magical universes are Unique. He creates a dream World in the most beautiful colors, patterns and shapes. So pack the car and take a ride to Ishoej and let youself into a fantastic dream universe.
Ja, og nu kommer den glædelige nyhed, nemlig at Bjørn Wiinblad Denmark har valgt at følge den grønne bølge og lave nogle nye “Potte-damer”. De kunne ikke komme på et bedre tidspunkt…vi har jo fyldt stuerne op med skønne planter, men udvalget af skønne potter er lidt svært at finde. Disse kommer i blå, støvet blå, grøn og vinrød og koster fra 199,95 – 699,95 kr.
Now comes the good news: that Bjørn Wiinblad Denmark has chosen to go with the interior trend “green living” and make some new “Pot–ladies”. They could not come at a better time … we have filled our living rooms with beautiful plants, but the selection of wonderful pots is a little hard to find. These come in blue, dusty blue, green and burgundy and costs 199.95 to 699.95 kr.
Men men men…har du lyst til din helt egen personlige, så laver du da dine egne pottedamer…se her hvordan…fra min nye bog DIY- loppefund.
But but but … do you want even more personality, then make your own pot ladies … see here how … from my new book DIY flea market finds.
Dette skal du bruge :
Hvide urtepotter (fundet på loppemarked, i genbrugsbutik eller på loftet)
Porcelænstuscher (Panduro Hobby)
Blød blyant
Vatpinde til at lave evt. rettelser med
What you need:
White flowerpots (found at the flea market, in thrift store or attic)
Porcelain Markers (Panduro Hobby)
soft pencil
Cotton swabs to make corrections.
Sådan gør du:
- Gør som her, tegn nogle skitser, så du er helt klar over, hvad du vil tegne på potten.
- Tegn det eventuelt op med en blød blyant på potten, før du går i gang med din porcelænstusch.
- Tegn nu direkte på potten. Laver du fejl, kan du gøre en vatpind våd og bruge den som viskelæder.
- Når du er færdig, skal emnet tørre i 4 timer og herefter hærdes i ovnen ved 160 grader i 90 min.
How to make it:
1.Do as me, draw some sketches, then you are absolutely sure about what you want to draw on the pot, you can start.
2.Draw it with a soft pencil on the pot, before you get started with your porcelain marker.
3.Now Draw directly on the pot. If you make mistakes, you can use a wet cotton swab and use it as an eraser.
4. When you are finished, subject must dry for 4 hours and then cured in the oven at 160 degrees for 90 minutes.
And this is not all….you also get a chance to win one of the new Wiinblad vases, either in gold or silver print … and a download of my two e–books for summer and flea Fund (in Danish), both will make your fingers tingle to get some great do-it-yourself Projects started.All you have to do is follow my blog, subscribe or follow on facebook or bloglovin …. And in the comment box, let me know which vase you like the best, gold or silver. And please also let me kknow where you follow Peekaboo design. This giveaway is only for readers living in Denmark. Share this post with the friends you would love to do some of the DIY projects with.I draw a lucky winner on Sunday. 6 sept. 2015 pm. 20th